I accidentally pass by a website and saw my horoscope and i find it so true ! :D
Friends.You love romance whether you're involved directly or not, so Valentine's Day is a perfect holiday for you! Don't be afraid to give cute cards to friends and family as a way of saying that caring about others is a good thing!
The Plus Side
You are very kind and you regard your friends like they are your family. You are very patient, gentle and compassionate to others, and are the first one to give a friend a hug when they have had a bad day. You truly care when friends tell you their problems. If you have a younger sibling, you are very protective of them because you love your family so much!
. Your birthday remembered by friends
. Keeping a photo album
. Hugs
. Collecting things
The Flip SIde
You tend to be on the shy side! Being shy can be a problem when you really want something and are afraid to speak up. You get your feelings hurt often, and instead of getting to the heart of the matter and fixing it, you tend to let it build up inside. It's okay to tell someone how you are feeling, and with your Cancer care, you will do it with kindness! Also, watch those mood swings!
. Those who forget names and dates
. Having to handle a crisis
. Yelling
. Losing things
Love.What is he going to give you? You may tell him that it's not a big deal, but who are you kidding, Cancer? It's a HUGE thing and if it's not all sweet and romantic, you are gonna feel, well, "crushed." Try to get a grip, ok? Anyone can get you a lot of stuff - focus on the feelings instead!
Fashion.Definitely something ultra-romantic for you! This isn't a dress - it's a gown! How about a lace-up bodice over a floaty ballerina skirt? Hm, in a luscious moon-tone like soft silvery grey or moonlight white. Add a touch of sparkle - maybe even a tiara - and you're ready for Prince Charming!
Hates.I hate being alone or watching scary movies. I really hate it when someone is mad at me!
its true, somehow ?
to me lahs (: