woke up and the first thing i did was to send kenny a msg.
not bad uhs ? he is leaving to hongkong.
reached school and things goes on like normal.
I decided to wait for kenny to get back and teach me Amaths man,
since he was telling me yesterday, he is studying even deeper than my Amaths.
GOSH, and guess what did i say the whole day in school ?
"Kenny is enjoying himself in hongkong while im stuck here with all the lessons and stuff."
i complained and complained even thou no one in my class knows who is Kenny.
my class was like, who the hell is Kenny ?
maybe not the whole class but the ppl siting around me.
didnt get to make crystals which pull down my mood for TODAY.
i didnt want to come school as my eyes was seriously in pain !
but for the sake of dhe Crystals i went !
In the end, craps
!@^%#$#!!@$#%after school, streetE, ate and home.
i took the lift up home, slowly walk to the door and SAW 123456789 shoes outside.
At that point of time i hope i WAS dreaming, but sadly i wasnt.
open the door and saw a whole class of guangyang ppl =.=
bored~ rush into room and com-ed.

mood : blue-grey.
labels : i am prico thou, struggling.