It was awesome :D
PRAYed PRAYed and PRAYed.
i never knew i had that much saliva.
cookies were given out.
too hard they say ><

nic's ITE shirt=,=
see Nic, i treat you so good.
didn't post your face up !
so you have no excuse for hating me.
Bang !

PS:I like this photo of yours. I stole it from your friendster thou.
Please go get a Doctor and give you a proper checkup.
Don't keep on giving yourself negative thoughts.
The Gina I know will most probably only be diagnose of mental illness due to being too hyper. understand ?
Takecare of yourself and remember I'm still a fan of your blog.
//To continue living on for the things you love on earth.
//To continue being cheerful for those who awaits for your smile.
///To continue blogging for me !
I'm sure theres alot out there who thinks the same as I do.
and its not fair, I haven't gave you any cupcakes !


I recall we are moodswings twinnie.
I don't mdswg often now.
but i know you still do, and alot.
I hate it whenever you quarrel with gl and still have to turn around and give a smile to me, to the world.
I appreciated the fact that you didn't want me to worry and smile all th way. i do.
But the more it hurts me to see you going around this way.
I really don't mind if you just break down and cry.
Don't worry about the burdens, stress and pressure, for they don't even give a dammd about you.
Even the strongest people have their darkest moments.
and i know you do.
but as long each time you know you have fall then learn how to crawl up to continue running.
You will realise it is all worthwhile.
//Quarrels exists for more love to enter,.
//Hatred exists only for love to extinguish it.
///only because of love you have experience the sweetness and bitterness of the world.
Love exists to stand out it sweetness from hatred.
Hatred exists to stand out the bitterness from love.
So never give up on what you love, cause when theres no love, you know you will be so empty within.
After all these words, I know you will get what I mean.
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