continue blog tmr. Super tired.
This is the continuous post from yesterday. Yesterday went over to Tp as usual, did some cicuit thingyo. Saw the nicholas from wayne birthday one, he dont remeber me, he wasnt very friendly. Cause he didnt reply my comment. Im sort of childish in some ways. HOHO. yesterday attended JAP lesson too. After that went over to meet vera, we talk alot yeas. At budis Jco cafe eat donuts and freeze (:
Today is already the third day of poly life, and I'm starting to miss it. Is like I can't imagine I have to wear school uniform on next monday once again. Boredzzxx.. Seriously, the amount of hunks compare to Temask poly from springfield. Tp: Alot, SPF: ZERO. One big fat "0" for springfield manzx. Is like everywhere you go around Tp you can see at least see some not bad looking guys, but in Spf, while no, seriously no. Except for that speacial One la :D heehheheees. can i skip one year go poly ? ): Today also had one of the emaths tuitoral. I can say it was awesome. Cause the four of us can do the questions ! is about infinity Yo.
& Oh ya, THERE is a CAT in my HOUSE right NOW ! i admit its really cute and everything but once i see the eyes, I freak out babe ! those vibes that creature send, ewwwwk -,- Someone help me over come this fear, cause I dont think my cousin is going to leave it. ))))): lets change topice into sth nicer.
This morning I woke up and saw a msg that speacial hunk sms me. yeas, I was delighted. Isn't it nice to wake up and see sucha nice msg? (:

The experiment I did, Chee yong's bag.

Budi, dawn's pencil case, Ah P & Ah A.

strawberry freeze, green tea freeze. Donutxcx. (I dont remeber the names, Sorry yeas.)
I don't mind.
please let this
keep going on.
written by,
Ours en peluche 's darling.