Did some photoshopping x)

this is the before. wilson say I look like her?
gosh I'm editing this post for the second time. Wilson just totally give me a crazy idea! I have been tempted to go buy colour contacts once again, and maybe, just maybe the next time you did see me with such thick makeups and colour-ed eyes ! I'm joking by the way* but who knows?
today was okay-,-
There is something I've been wanting to tell readers out there. Sort of kinda long ago already but I still want to mention. (it was a long ago thing because I keep forgot about it*) here it goes.
This is my blog, my life, my attitude, my world. Since you have reach here, you must be someone close to me. Cause I only gave to 4 people my link? So the 4 of you should be really happy! I am very thick skin for your information.If you truly want to be my friend then accept the fact this is how I react, talk and eat. I got friends that are able to accept the way I am, so I don't see why can't you. If you can't accept it then Bye bye ~ By the way, I accept anyone, any character, unlike you ! Hahaha, just trying to be real sarcastic. I heartxxxx God, family, sisters and one particular brother. (All the non living ones)I love makeups, clothes, laughter, food, holidays, photos and memories. I am this materealistic get it ? By the way, I dont like people who blog not really nice stuff about me. I better say first not... yeas.. (:
To love one;
#1 Tricia sister.
I don't know where I stand in her heart but I certainly do know she stand number1 among sisters. We gone true thick and thin, really the tough and easy ones together. Words can no longer express myself. " Girl, i love you. " thats all. Cause more words will only seem fake, this is all genuine. Good luck for your exam, I know you can do it, you smart ass.
It was just
too much to ask for.
written by,
Ours en peluche 's darling.
Ours en peluche 's darling.
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