Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
1st celebration.
I went out with W C & N for my first Bday celebration.
It was totally awesome !
Will blog about it more once I get to those photos :D
New skin people !
Monday, July 13, 2009
School was bloody shitty today. Classmates know what I'm trying to express.
I packed this weekend already, I suppose.
Friday- Pasta with Nat, Wil and Car.
Saturday- Vera and baby girl, june day.
Sunday- Huimei plan-everything day.
I'm so tired nowadays, I wonder why..
I wonder how...
Yesterday was just like a blue blue sky.
Enjoy !
Maybe I think of you a little too much sometimes.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Flying without wings.

Hi there readers ^^
I hope you had a pleasant Saturday like what I have today.
I woke up at 10.45am sharp and the first thing I had in mind was to go jogging and kill some of those fats. I didn't went to jog immediately though. I made a kaya bread and cup of oat milk as breakfast. I turn on the television and enjoyed my morning like that. (For your information, I don't turn on the television unless I really have time for myself.) Even though I was expected to do my food nutrition but I thought it would be a better idea to relax first then run full speed for my coursework. I cook one can of chilli cube meat for myself, didn't add noodles as not to add in those carbs. Ate heartily while watching channel 256. I couldn't stop myself for munching more stuff, so instead of eating ice creams, I ate an apple. Mummy soon came back and I watch her eat.lol. After that I went jogging and exercising, felt really shiok as it made me less guilty for eating. I receieved hubby's msg about going for movies. I wanted to, but it was like at tampines? Wasted. So here I am blogging for you people out there! It might sound simple, but I had for a very long time not; time for myself.
Enough of me. I shall proceed to my lovable friends.
I like it when my friends mention about me in their blogs.(in the good way la!)
Cause I'm quite attention seeking. LOL.
Well, wilson saw wei xiang touched me with this.
Vera tan li yin with this.
Natalie tan shi xuan with this.
I can't get Huimei's one cause she never leave the archives on her blog):
Well, thats all for today. Ciao ~
Friday, July 10, 2009
Drama Queen

Entertain for the day.
Hollywood's Top earning Actress!
Angelina Jolie
Jolie vacillates between two kinds of movies: award bait, like A Mighty Heart,
and action films, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The former earn her nominations and
critical praise: She won an Oscar in 2000 for her work in Girl, Interrupted and
a Best Actress nomination for last year's Changeling. The latter earn her big
bucks. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, where Jolie met her boyfriend, Brad Pitt, earned $480
million at the worldwide box office. Last year's Wanted brought in $341 million.
Okay, wilson I know you are going to slap me after seeing this. Just ignore this paragraph and let me self pity.
"Prico you like fat liao lerh !"
I heard this phrase so much today I also fainted.
Totally went gu gu ga ga when it came out from wilson and royston's mouth.
WTH. Then right after PE they say; " run a few rounds slim down liao"
ZZZZZZ. emo like shit after that.
am still emo-ing till now.
I feel guilty eating macdonalds just now. double emo.
I want to go sleep now but I feel so guilty I don't want to lay down.
I want to study so much but coursework is stopping this process.
I want to save a lot of money and go on a tour.
runaway from this warm place.
I don't want to play with baby boy and he is emo-ing now with me.
baby boy- kitty cat- Echia.
I want to shout out my lungs till they bleed.
I don't want to grow fatter.
I want Tom to talk to me.
I know I'm a drama queen.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Anecdote of you and me.

Recomend this site to you guys.
It's really nice, go see !
Wilson, I'm glad you're stepping out of that circle!
Natalie, I can't wait for post-O-level activities too !
Prico, want to go watch Harry Potter and the half blood prince!
Ohya, I was darn happy when I saw Yuzhi in school today ! Study hard horh.
I miss the times when I hang out with chung, liang, xuan they all siaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
I want to type a really long post today. So am thinking of what to type...
Went to Hokaido fair with preston and april today !(:
I even saw hong.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Things just don't go the way you want it to be.
I'm currently reading the sexual predators giving by van. It's sick but awesome !
I can't wait for tmr, out with April and Prest(:
People; 19 of july is coming !
Oh ya, wilson, actually wo xi huan ni laaa !
When I was young, I would always be looking for this particular baby screwdriver. No matter how hard I search for it, it dosen't appear. Then, when I have given up all hopes, I saw it laying down there...
You seem like a stranger to me now.
But honestly, I will think of you sometimes.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Two sides of a world.
I still prefer redhair.
Another video as I'm lazy to talk about what I've done( :
I've like Jerry yan ever since primary 4. How cool.
It's because he was 'Dao ming si' in 'liu xing hua yuan' \m/
Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Friday, July 3, 2009
Weak throughout.
Yea, I should go bang wall.
Nothing much but just a video for you to enjoy !
what if I say wo xi huan ni?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I've set my eyes on...
That was the doggy treat I brought for him!
Well look at my title and you will get the picture.
School was alright today, a little better then yesterday's and April didn't attend. Met her up after school and head over to tampines interchange. Walked around and went home.
School for yesterday was alright too, stayed back for food and nutrition for a little longer. After that I headed to huimei's place and accompanied her to the doctor's. I then went to tricia house to see Jerrie ~ ^v^ he's such a cutie.
Oh ya, he tried to bit me when I flick his ears. I literally scream my lungs out. What a dog!
I'm going to take picas with union and prime after O! Can't wait. Nehnny, I want to go botanic gardens and have a pinic lerhxzsxzs! (':
Gina and Joey don't scroll down to the bottom. It's a warning !
Baby always looks at me while I do my makeup.
I really like his pinky little nose ( :
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
What a joke.

I honestly, don't know why things turn out this way.
What happen to everything and anything.
I guess I'm still a kid.
I just want to see what I want to see.
Believe me, humans are made this way.
Monday, June 29, 2009
It's stupid.
I was at your blog 5 min ago really trying hard to figure out what you're trying to express to me.
What I have now is: (this is your presumption)
- I've chosen a wrong friend.
- Should not have cared about what yong hong said.
Well , I don't get this part.
' She's the one that starts first , so if you all want
Go find her
Is her own abcdefghi some foreign language '
Your lurbexzxz ♥
' That's her problem , not mine .
You go settle with her lah , not
our problem . '
Your lurvesxzxs ♥
This is Huimei or some other friend ? I need your explanation, cause I don't want to accuse my friends for nothing. I believe you do have the courage to say who was the one since you have already blog out about it.
Also, I guess I really did not choose my friends wisely.
I thought Yh is a friend but I guess the both of us have different definition of the word friends.
Oh ya, there's nothing to do with Yh and E 's relationship with this don't you think so? I know they are happily in love. So why bother to drag this in? I honestly think there isn't a link.
I know you have used a pleasant tone to talk to me in your post but I'm really upset that things are getting so childish and I really don't have the time for such stuff. I was planning to stop after talking about Yh and I don't see why there's a need for you to continue this.
Thanks for advising and caring for my social circle. Accept the sincerity alright(:
Lets not get things ugly, we are civilised people after all aren't we?
Saturday, June 27, 2009
SS501, H.J is in it! (: Hot till the max.
I'm sorry for ignoring this blog because I'm really head over heels for Kin hyung joong right now. I'm currently watching his shows now too ! heart melts*
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Out there.

I'm currently waiting for April to wake up so that we can go cycling. I really want to cycle badly, I don't know why but I've been craving to cycle since last week. Unfotunately April was aboard so have to wait for her to be back. Now that she is back I got to wait for her to wake up. Luckly I didn't went down on the right time or else I would be waiting like some kind of fool.
Oh ya, I think Paris hilton BFF show is boring. I know wei xiang is going to kill me for this. HAAH:D
significant other.
Control yourself please, You really need to.
Oh ya, thanks 'friend'
what a word eh, friend ?
I hope you read this.
So much for being Mr nice guy.
Crap shit.
I guess you haven't seen this side of me eh ?
What about I ask you to describe me now.
Enough of chats for you to describe me now eh?
Oh please, I don't need any vocabulary from your dictionary.
You ain't fit to describe me, LAOGONG.
You can burn those letters now.
I bet you don't even get why I'm so upset.
Oh ya, I forgot don't ever flip that 'b' of yours around.
It can never be a letter P.
Oh ya, I think its darn cool, the words; significant other.
I haven't tell
ya all before that I don't believe in I love you forever right?
Forever, such a Impossible word.
Am still waiting for that particular
Guy who can bring the forever word to me...
Oh ya, another thing, have I ever say I hate it when people forward my msg ? I just did eh. Haah. You didn't deserve tat kind of msg, but you deserve this short paragraph. I'm not a very nice person and I don't intend to change for you. I really hate what you did. Pisses me of till no end.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
猫眯&panda leaf.
Typing F&N as fast as possible...
Firstly, Echia is right now fasicnated by a pandan leaf. Mummy was making some dessert soup and there was some pandan leaf, this moment Echia walk over and literally bite one in his mouth and hops down the kitchen top. (To avoid confusion the panda leaf was at the washing area, not yet in the soup. haah.) Now, he's happily palying with it like as if he never see a pandan leaf before. Okay, fine, he has never SEEN A PANDAN LEAF. But you get what I meant don't you ?
Secondly, am happy to get to see April tmr. Don't be overjoyed after reading this yea. haah.
Thirdly, am doing F&N right na na na na.
Lastly! I've a new boyfriend. awwwww (:

Oh ya, i still have one more photo to post !
baby boy was looking at me like this when I woke up this morning. Adorable huh?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today, day day day.
I'm changing my blogskin again sadly. Cause there's some error with the html codes. Wth right.
Shall end here, will blog when I have the time.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Holiday's list.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Horoscope 2.

When Cancer and Scorpio form a friendship, two signs of great depth are brought together. Signs such as these often combine well, each friend's strengths balancing the other's weaknesses. These two have a strong affinity for one another, and when their ideas and ambitions meld, the temperature in the room tends to rise! Cancer and Scorpio have a great deal in common that will keep their connection strong.
Cancer and Scorpio enjoy spending time together creating a comfortable environment: Cancer wants comfort, and Scorpio wants power. Both of these Signs are about goods and resources, including stocks, bonds and inheritances. They are both passionate and deeply emotionally touched by all aspects of their life. They complement each other because Cancer and Scorpio are both concerned with the home, and both have fierce loyalty to the family group.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. This combination is very intense, thanks to Pluto's influence, but it's a good balance of masculine and feminine energy. These friends coming together form the basic foundation of most relationships -- The Moon's nurturing love and Mars' passion. The Moon and Mars go well together; the Moon is about growth and rebirth, and Mars is about passion, which can be applied to making a platonic friendship deeper and more substantial. Scorpio is intense, and Cancer is stimulated by this; in turn, Scorpio enjoys the admiration inherent in Moon-ruled Cancer.
Cancer and Scorpio are both Water Signs. Both are very deep Signs, and, like the ocean, you can never really see to the bottom. Scorpio and Cancer emotionally draw further and further into themselves, then suddenly roar back with intimidating force. Cancer and Scorpio are strongly loyal to one another, a product of their mutual desire for emotional and familial security. While Cancer is fixated on the family and home, Scorpio is more focused on the motivations below the surface of things. Scorpio can show Cancer beyond the literal surface, while Cancer can teach Scorpio not to fear their emotional instincts. Additionally, Scorpio appreciates the Cancerian practicality, and Cancer enjoys Scorpio's possessiveness -- it proves that Scorpio really needs them and values their friendship.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign. Once they have a common goal, it will be realized thanks to their concentrated efforts. However, if their opinions clash, look out! Cancer will be the first to instigate an argument and Scorpio the last to finish it. It often appears that Cancer will get their way and be the dominant of the pair, but that isn't always what happens. Sometimes Scorpio won't even agree to disagree, although they might pretend to give in. Neither friend is beyond using emotional manipulation to exact revenge. It's important for these two to discuss what is truly vital to them both so they can reach an equitable compromise. Once Scorpio and Cancer learn to trust one another and believe in each other, they can achieve almost anything through sheer determination. The friendship will only fail if the the two of them truly cannot overcome their opinionated, stubborn sides.
The best aspect of the Cancer-Scorpio friendship is their shared emotional intensity and need for security. When Cancer realizes that Scorpio is there for the long haul, and that the friendship is nurturing and healthy, this two can flourish together. Their mutual determination makes theirs a friendship of formidable strength and intensity.
Natalie Tan and Prico Tong.
When Cancer and Aquarius form a friendship, it can be a case of a draw between two opposite ends of the spectrum. Cancer has an emotional approach to life. Aquarius has an offbeat, unconventional approach to nearly every situation. While Cancer may retreat into its shell, Aquarius is the gregarious host among the group of friends and excels in business and social situations. If these two can learn to combine their qualities in a positive way, they can go anywhere together.
Both Cancer and Aquarius can be ambitious and determined. They like to do things their way and don't like to encounter resistance. Cancer appreciates tradition and routine and exhibits conservative morals. Aquarius is modern and is numbed by routine, the dull and the boring. Cancer will find Aquarius exciting yet may feel frustrated trying to penetrate this revolutionary's mind. Aquarius will not appreciate the possessiveness of a pinching Crab but will find the solid base that Cancer can provide to be a great support. They just probably won't want to admit it!
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. The Moon is a radiant, feminine energy and Saturn is a cool, contained masculine energy. Uranus is about all things abnormal and novel. The Moon is emotional, concerned with growth and domesticity, both of which are important to Cancer. Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals while Uranus symbolizes forward thought. Cancer will teach Aquarius about making decisions based on emotional impulses. Aquarius can teach Cancer to be more detached, to extricate themselves from uncontrollable situations and to reevaluate goals if they are off course.
Cancer is a Water Sign, and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius moves through life with pure, intellectual exploration, while Cancer is more pragmatic. Cancer asks, 'how does this feel?' while Aquarians simply focus on their interests and ask 'what else?' These friends may find it difficult to understand the other's origin of thought. Conflicts can arise in this friendship if Cancer is too demanding or if Aquarius seems too cool and denies Cancer emotional reassurance. Both need to learn that they view the world in different ways, and they should celebrate differences rather than feeling threatened.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. Both partners tend to persevere when working toward their goals. If they have a set path, they'll follow it to the end. Once they have made up their minds that spending time together is worthwhile, they will never be dissuaded from that knowledge. If they have differing ideas, they may find that the Cancer is the more tenacious, more dogmatic partner who is not beyond emotional manipulation. Aquarius may see Cancer as being too feeling-oriented. If they understand they're working together out of mutual respect and admiration, it's much easier for them to get along.
The best aspect of the Cancer-Aquarius friendship is that when this pair decides to come together they are an indomitable force. Once they can work out their differences, come together and agree on the inner workings of their connection, the dynamics of this friendship can be a good balance.
Can you believe I used to spend like $30plus plus a week for neoprint.
I remeber me and ariel was neoprint fan.
We were totally crazy over it.
That was sec 1 thing laaaa !
Primary school BFF.
Secondary school.
Vanessa and her friend.
Qiuyan ! Sec 1 BFF

Gen and Vera !
Friday, June 19, 2009
Horoscope !

Foo Hui Mei and Prico tong.When Gemini and Cancer form a friendship, it may be a rather curious combination. Gemini is intellectual, while Cancer is sensitive and emotional. Gemini may charm Cancer with their quick wit, causing the cautious Crab to come out of its shell quicker than it normally would. Cancer, on the other hand, can teach Gemini how to slow down and appreciate the workings of the world around them. Troubles may arise if Cancer feels unappreciated or ignored by Gemini. Both Signs must understand that, although they come from entirely different directions, it is possible for them to meet happily in the middle and cooperate.
Cancer is the Sign of home and hearth, while Gemini is the thinker. Gemini is very protective of Cancer and ends up shielding them from harm. In return, Cancer provides Gemini with a comfortable and somewhat domestic atmosphere. Sometimes Cancer might build an idealized image of their Gemini friend or act overly possessive of them with other friends. Gemini can help by reassuring the Cancer friend that they are valued, loved and appreciated. Additionally, Gemini needs to listen to Cancer: The Crab is strongly instinctive, and their advice can help Gemini to avoid emotional dramas and to remain in situations where they are needed.
Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury, and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Gemini has an open, expressive nature that is welcomed by Cancer, since they often stifle feelings and emotions. Cancer can store up intense, feminine energy, and Gemini can help them learn to release this energy. The Moon controls tides of the Earth, quietly affecting all life; and Cancer emanates powerful feelings while Gemini bubbles with ideas. Cancer tends to be intuitive, and can teach Gemini to slow down and appreciate the small joys of life instead of always rushing on to the next exciting thing.
Gemini is an Air Sign, and Cancer is a Water Sign. These two elements can be a great combination if they cooperate, using emotional drive and intellect to find fun and to get things done. Cancer can help soften their Gemini friend's edges, while Gemini teaches Cancer to come out of their shell. Cancer can be emotionally overpowering -- too much Water dampening Gemini's quick wit and enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Air can blow ripples across the Water and leave Cancer tossed and tattered. Gemini and Cancer must talk openly and freely to ensure their balance is maintained.
Gemini is a Mutable Sign, and Cancer is a Cardinal Signs. Cancer is an initiator while Gemini is more open to other ideas. On the surface, Gemini is the leader, bravely facing any challenges that come this pair's way, but Cancer will be indirectly in charge through emotion and the ability to weigh each situation. It's important for both to be willing to meet halfway. Each must learn to accept giving in at the right time.
The best aspect of the Gemini-Cancer friendship is that -- once they realize they're on the same side -- they can soar to great heights together. Gemini is thinking ahead, and Cancer is quietly supporting their ideas behind the scenes. Each friend's ability to provide what the other is lacking makes theirs a fulfilling partnership.
Vera Tan and Prico Tong.
When Cancer and Leo form a friendship, they are often able to recognize and satisfy each other's basic needs. Both need devotion and care, but Cancer values stability and a solid emotional balance, while Leo likes compliments and wants to be admired. They are both strongly loyal, often possessive of each other when other friends and acquaintances vye for their time. They are also both committed to a lasting, successful friendship. Each is able to provide what the other needs because their aspirations are so similar.
Both partners like comfort and security, often doing things on a grand scale. Cancer and Leo both enjoy a lovely environment and a close-knit crew of friends. Leo tends to be flamboyant, and Cancer will be the less colorful, more sensitive counterpart. Leo is bigger and bolder and vivid, the epitome of splendor and stature. Because both Signs are so determined, these friends really need to work to understand and accept each other.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is about ego and self, and it radiates warmth and light. Leo indeed radiates this kind of energy and enthusiasm. The Moon is about nurturing and emotion. Together the combination of masculine and feminine energy is why they admire and support each other. The Sun represents life, and the Moon represents cultivation; as long as they are careful to understand each other, their combination is a positive one.
Cancer is a Water Sign, and Leo is a Fire Sign. Leo wants glory and recognition, while Cancer yearns for security and stability. Both Signs want to be in charge, but in different ways. They may have a number or arguments around this issue. As long as they reassure each other that their relationship is important to both of them, they can usually find a happy medium.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Leo is a Fixed Sign. Leo can be opinionated and inflexible, Cancer being the subtle manipulative force. Cancer can be more persistent when it comes to planning things, while Leo will see it through to completion. The Crab prefers a career calm and stable life. Leo loves to shake things up and embraces the unexpected and the novel. Once Leo and Cancer have committed to their friendship, each of them will follow their natural instincts to devote themselves to its upkeep. If they have differing ideas, they may find themselves on a never-ending emotional roller coaster. Cancer is more quietly controlling than Leo, though, and might -- to a degree -- manipulate their friend when it seems practical to do so.
The best aspect of the Cancer-Leo friendship is their mutual commitment to a sincere connection. Together this duo can support each other in positive and healthy ways. They are seen as a great team by others, and their mutual desire for a secure, caring friendship makes them strive for harmony.
Tricia Ng and Prico Tong.
When Cancer and Sagittarius form a friendship, they both need to give the partnership a little while to warm up. As it does, each friend will find more to offer one another. While Sagittarius is a thrill seeker who enjoys taking a risk to experience an adrenaline rush, Cancer derives much more satisfaction from security. Early on, Cancer may want more of dedicated promise of friendship than Sagittarius is willing to offer. As time goes by, Sagittarius will learn to appreciate the strong emotional support Cancer offers.
Cancer and Sagittarius have different approaches to life; Cancer is more emotional and traditional, while Sagittarius is experimental and restless. It can be hard for Sagittarius to accept the emotional tidal wave of Cancer. It might be difficult for Cancer to accept the Sagittarian restlessness and craving for external activities. Cancer can offer Sagittarius a secure base and keep their dreams and ambitions on track. Sagittarius can help Cancer add diversity to their life and to learn to appreciate the excitement that can be derived from boldness.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. The Moon is about love, nurturing and the maternal instinct. Jupiter focuses on expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Together this combination of growth and expansion, masculine and feminine energy, is why the two admire and can sustain each other as a friends. When sharing a goal or interest, these two can achieve just about anything to which they set their minds.
Cancer is a Water Sign, and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius wants freedom, while Cancer longs for emotional security and stability. Sagittarius actively pursues their ideas, while Cancer is more emotional in their approach to their goals. Although these friends may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from, their complementary approaches can actually be quite exciting and mutually beneficial. They will not always see things the same way. As long as they both see the value in the friendship, their conflicts can usually be resolved.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Sagittarius likes to jump from one thing to the next as the feeling takes them, while Cancer is the instigator of new plans. Cancer needs to give Sagittarius the freedom to explore their own space and interests. Cancer can make Sagittarius' ideas bear fruit, even if Sagittarius has lost interest and moved on. Sagittarius can teach Cancer that broadmindedness is sometimes better than an inflexible determination.
The best aspect of the Cancer-Sagittarius friendship is the security they can give each other (once Cancer gives Sagittarius the freedom to offer that security freely). They make wonderful companions once they learn to look at the world through each other's different philosophies and open themselves up to one another. As long as they communicate and celebrate their differences, theirs will be a stable and happy friendship