Foo Hui Mei and Prico tong.When Gemini and Cancer form a friendship, it may be a rather curious combination. Gemini is intellectual, while Cancer is sensitive and emotional. Gemini may charm Cancer with their quick wit, causing the cautious Crab to come out of its shell quicker than it normally would. Cancer, on the other hand, can teach Gemini how to slow down and appreciate the workings of the world around them. Troubles may arise if Cancer feels unappreciated or ignored by Gemini. Both Signs must understand that, although they come from entirely different directions, it is possible for them to meet happily in the middle and cooperate.
Cancer is the Sign of home and hearth, while Gemini is the thinker. Gemini is very protective of Cancer and ends up shielding them from harm. In return, Cancer provides Gemini with a comfortable and somewhat domestic atmosphere. Sometimes Cancer might build an idealized image of their Gemini friend or act overly possessive of them with other friends. Gemini can help by reassuring the Cancer friend that they are valued, loved and appreciated. Additionally, Gemini needs to listen to Cancer: The Crab is strongly instinctive, and their advice can help Gemini to avoid emotional dramas and to remain in situations where they are needed.
Gemini is ruled by the Planet Mercury, and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Gemini has an open, expressive nature that is welcomed by Cancer, since they often stifle feelings and emotions. Cancer can store up intense, feminine energy, and Gemini can help them learn to release this energy. The Moon controls tides of the Earth, quietly affecting all life; and Cancer emanates powerful feelings while Gemini bubbles with ideas. Cancer tends to be intuitive, and can teach Gemini to slow down and appreciate the small joys of life instead of always rushing on to the next exciting thing.
Gemini is an Air Sign, and Cancer is a Water Sign. These two elements can be a great combination if they cooperate, using emotional drive and intellect to find fun and to get things done. Cancer can help soften their Gemini friend's edges, while Gemini teaches Cancer to come out of their shell. Cancer can be emotionally overpowering -- too much Water dampening Gemini's quick wit and enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Air can blow ripples across the Water and leave Cancer tossed and tattered. Gemini and Cancer must talk openly and freely to ensure their balance is maintained.
Gemini is a Mutable Sign, and Cancer is a Cardinal Signs. Cancer is an initiator while Gemini is more open to other ideas. On the surface, Gemini is the leader, bravely facing any challenges that come this pair's way, but Cancer will be indirectly in charge through emotion and the ability to weigh each situation. It's important for both to be willing to meet halfway. Each must learn to accept giving in at the right time.
The best aspect of the Gemini-Cancer friendship is that -- once they realize they're on the same side -- they can soar to great heights together. Gemini is thinking ahead, and Cancer is quietly supporting their ideas behind the scenes. Each friend's ability to provide what the other is lacking makes theirs a fulfilling partnership.
Vera Tan and Prico Tong.
When Cancer and Leo form a friendship, they are often able to recognize and satisfy each other's basic needs. Both need devotion and care, but Cancer values stability and a solid emotional balance, while Leo likes compliments and wants to be admired. They are both strongly loyal, often possessive of each other when other friends and acquaintances vye for their time. They are also both committed to a lasting, successful friendship. Each is able to provide what the other needs because their aspirations are so similar.
Both partners like comfort and security, often doing things on a grand scale. Cancer and Leo both enjoy a lovely environment and a close-knit crew of friends. Leo tends to be flamboyant, and Cancer will be the less colorful, more sensitive counterpart. Leo is bigger and bolder and vivid, the epitome of splendor and stature. Because both Signs are so determined, these friends really need to work to understand and accept each other.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Leo is ruled by the Sun. The Sun is about ego and self, and it radiates warmth and light. Leo indeed radiates this kind of energy and enthusiasm. The Moon is about nurturing and emotion. Together the combination of masculine and feminine energy is why they admire and support each other. The Sun represents life, and the Moon represents cultivation; as long as they are careful to understand each other, their combination is a positive one.
Cancer is a Water Sign, and Leo is a Fire Sign. Leo wants glory and recognition, while Cancer yearns for security and stability. Both Signs want to be in charge, but in different ways. They may have a number or arguments around this issue. As long as they reassure each other that their relationship is important to both of them, they can usually find a happy medium.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Leo is a Fixed Sign. Leo can be opinionated and inflexible, Cancer being the subtle manipulative force. Cancer can be more persistent when it comes to planning things, while Leo will see it through to completion. The Crab prefers a career calm and stable life. Leo loves to shake things up and embraces the unexpected and the novel. Once Leo and Cancer have committed to their friendship, each of them will follow their natural instincts to devote themselves to its upkeep. If they have differing ideas, they may find themselves on a never-ending emotional roller coaster. Cancer is more quietly controlling than Leo, though, and might -- to a degree -- manipulate their friend when it seems practical to do so.
The best aspect of the Cancer-Leo friendship is their mutual commitment to a sincere connection. Together this duo can support each other in positive and healthy ways. They are seen as a great team by others, and their mutual desire for a secure, caring friendship makes them strive for harmony.
Tricia Ng and Prico Tong.
When Cancer and Sagittarius form a friendship, they both need to give the partnership a little while to warm up. As it does, each friend will find more to offer one another. While Sagittarius is a thrill seeker who enjoys taking a risk to experience an adrenaline rush, Cancer derives much more satisfaction from security. Early on, Cancer may want more of dedicated promise of friendship than Sagittarius is willing to offer. As time goes by, Sagittarius will learn to appreciate the strong emotional support Cancer offers.
Cancer and Sagittarius have different approaches to life; Cancer is more emotional and traditional, while Sagittarius is experimental and restless. It can be hard for Sagittarius to accept the emotional tidal wave of Cancer. It might be difficult for Cancer to accept the Sagittarian restlessness and craving for external activities. Cancer can offer Sagittarius a secure base and keep their dreams and ambitions on track. Sagittarius can help Cancer add diversity to their life and to learn to appreciate the excitement that can be derived from boldness.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. The Moon is about love, nurturing and the maternal instinct. Jupiter focuses on expansion, optimism, luck and travel. Together this combination of growth and expansion, masculine and feminine energy, is why the two admire and can sustain each other as a friends. When sharing a goal or interest, these two can achieve just about anything to which they set their minds.
Cancer is a Water Sign, and Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Sagittarius wants freedom, while Cancer longs for emotional security and stability. Sagittarius actively pursues their ideas, while Cancer is more emotional in their approach to their goals. Although these friends may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from, their complementary approaches can actually be quite exciting and mutually beneficial. They will not always see things the same way. As long as they both see the value in the friendship, their conflicts can usually be resolved.
Cancer is a Cardinal Sign, and Sagittarius is a Mutable Sign. Sagittarius likes to jump from one thing to the next as the feeling takes them, while Cancer is the instigator of new plans. Cancer needs to give Sagittarius the freedom to explore their own space and interests. Cancer can make Sagittarius' ideas bear fruit, even if Sagittarius has lost interest and moved on. Sagittarius can teach Cancer that broadmindedness is sometimes better than an inflexible determination.
The best aspect of the Cancer-Sagittarius friendship is the security they can give each other (once Cancer gives Sagittarius the freedom to offer that security freely). They make wonderful companions once they learn to look at the world through each other's different philosophies and open themselves up to one another. As long as they communicate and celebrate their differences, theirs will be a stable and happy friendship
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