sians, i seems just to sleep a little later each night goes by. )))';
last week i slept at 12plus1.
slowly it became 3 then like this few days 4.
i guess imgoing overseas soon..
i will MISS
3sisters ,
R.A.D ,
yvonne, june&vera&joleen !
today went to shop for my winter stuff.
went to simei&parkway.
sians, and im like spending huge amouts of $$ from my mum.
SORRY,mummy );
mum, i know you were very concern about me going oversea with my aunts.
she was afraid me getting cold, and this and that.
she couldnt stop buying stuff for me.
she scare i later skin dry and brought lots of mark&spenser's lotion, body foam ..blablabla.
then she scare i ltr cold and brought sweater, a wool hat, wamer clothes&&&
a new bag just to fit my whole outfit.
Thanks mum ;D
the rest of my relatives were like very concern too.
my xiaoyi (: smaller aunt Corine.
gave my alot of spare cash and lend me her digital cam ;D
myeryi(: second aunt Doris. my her family.
brought sweater luagues and gloves hat and cash for me ;D
mydayima(: biggest aunt Niji.
cook alot dishes for me and warn me from alot of things.
MyDAD, PAPA vincent.
he didnt say anything about the trip to me.
but my mum told me that he didnt want me to go.
he was worry, dad even though you didnt say anything but thanks for the slient love(:
MyMUM, MAMA maggie.
MA, iloveyou the ok ! thanks for the everything!
you brought me out every weekend to buy winterstuff.
and veryweek i spended more&more.
XIEXIE NI ! ((((((((((;
i seriously love my family alot.
kkays, back to the things today.
ate at MOSburger and headed to simei.
i shopped at simei for the warmer clothes and wool socks.
ate newzealand icecream(: strawberry surprise, mango sobet& banana Delight ;D
headed to parkway.
i brought sweaters, t shirts, a new bag , lotions& co , a new shoe and a wool hat.
wait for dad and fetch us to eat and went home.
i just watch KINGKONG yesterday night.
i cried, its so touching cans ! )))'';
and coprse bride was a dead boring show =,=
p/s: mad get wellsoon okays ! ;D
and went to bugis with yvonne and june that dontknow what day. (:
ps, brought a white skinny.

photos for yesterday (:

someone? sing me a bed time lulaby.. x33
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