list goes in the way on how long i know them ;D

sisters for almost 2years ;D
she is one of a kind.
she hides her tears pretty well.
treat her very nice and she did treat you uberli-cious niceee.
she keeps her troubles to herself.
laopo, hope you will be able to tell me more.
she is single but not available !
she is mine mine mine (:
MADELEINEtongzhiya !
PRICOlimpeiwei !

sisters for almost 2years (;
she is like a little sister to me.
but she is not alittlebit childish.
i had seen her tears a million times ? ;D
she is a strong girl.
girl, you have turn stronger every lesson you make.
really gald you able to stand up so fast each time.
however my shoulder will always be there.

she been my mummy for almost 1year. (:
she treats me real good(((;
i know she is scare of heights and cars ! ;D
she takecares of me really well.
mummy, takecare takecare takecare of yourself outside.
imissyour funny faces ;D
really must takecare lerh ! okays, i admit im naggy (;

my yam friend for almost 1year. (;
we have been through alot, great things.
memories are really well engrave in my heart ;D
she dotes on me(((:
she likes to hide her tears.
when she crys she is most vunerable.
bless her, with lots of happines.
takecare dear(:

laopo for almost 1year ;D
childish at times but she got a really really good charactor (:
she keeps her promises really well.
except for the sleeping and late part :D
she gives me candies and tibits.
she is mine good listener(((;
girl must learn to be stronger alrights ?
sometimes, things, you have to been through it to learn it.
love, you are not a fool !

my stead for almost 1year. (:
she is a very responsible girl.
she shares her laughters, jokes, candies.
she tends to be shy at times but she can be crazy at most of the time ;D
she is small but very muture inside, she thinks of the very detail things.
and sometimes you did fine it very sweet (;
girl, next time every thing we do together okays ?
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